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Export chat from MS Team
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- PatharaNor
Install PowerShell for Shell :
brew install powershell openssl
Output :
Running `brew update --auto-update`...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> New Formulae
aptos kubent quartz-wm simdutf video-compare xmodmap xrdb
bossa podsync ruby@3.1 twm xinit xorg-server
You have 10 outdated formulae installed.
You can upgrade them with brew upgrade
or list them with brew outdated.
==> Tapping homebrew/cask
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 700983, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (209/209), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (138/138), done.
remote: Total 700983 (delta 116), reused 162 (delta 71), pack-reused 700774
Receiving objects: 100% (700983/700983), 329.46 MiB | 2.74 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (498283/498283), done.
Tapped 4139 casks (4,211 files, 351.8MB).
==> Caveats
To use Homebrew in PowerShell, set:
Add-Content -Path $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts -Value '$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv) | Invoke-Expression'
==> Downloading https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v7.3.1/powershell-7.3.1-osx-x64.pkg
==> Downloading from https://objects.githubusercontent.com/github-production-release-asset-2e65be/49609581/81c4e6f9-8081-4b2a-9799-165382cda4db?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA25
######################################################################## 100.0%
All formula dependencies satisfied.
==> Installing Cask powershell
==> Running installer for powershell; your password may be necessary.
Package installers may write to any location; options such as `--appdir` are ignored.
installer: Package name is PowerShell - 7.3.1
installer: Installing at base path /
installer: The install was successful.
🍺 powershell was successfully installed!
Warning: openssl@3 3.0.7 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 3.0.7, run:
brew reinstall openssl@3
Enter PowerShell mode in console :
PowerShell 7.3.1
PS >
Install PowerShell's dependencies :
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet
Install-Module -Name PSWSMan
sudo pwsh -Command 'Install-WSMan'
Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Install-Module ExchangePowerShell
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName user@company.com
Output :
The module allows access to all existing remote PowerShell (V1) cmdlets in addition to the 9 new, faster, and more reliable cmdlets.
| Old Cmdlets | New/Reliable/Faster Cmdlets |
| Get-CASMailbox | Get-EXOCASMailbox |
| Get-Mailbox | Get-EXOMailbox |
| Get-MailboxFolderPermission | Get-EXOMailboxFolderPermission |
| Get-MailboxFolderStatistics | Get-EXOMailboxFolderStatistics |
| Get-MailboxPermission | Get-EXOMailboxPermission |
| Get-MailboxStatistics | Get-EXOMailboxStatistics |
| Get-MobileDeviceStatistics | Get-EXOMobileDeviceStatistics |
| Get-Recipient | Get-EXORecipient |
| Get-RecipientPermission | Get-EXORecipientPermission |
To get additional information, run: Get-Help Connect-ExchangeOnline or check https://aka.ms/exops-docs
Send your product improvement suggestions and feedback to exocmdletpreview@service.microsoft.com. For issues related to the module, contact Microsoft support. Don't use the feedback alias for problems or support issues.
Get info of mailbox
Get-mailbox | select Displayname, WindowsEmailAddress
Output :
New update available!
You are using an older version of Exchange PowerShell cmdlets which may be using (soon to be deprecated) Basic authentication.
Please install version 2.0.6 of the ExchangeOnlineManagement module to upgrade to the latest version of cmdlets, which are REST based, more secure, reliant and performant than the remote PowerShell cmdlets that you are currently using.
For more information on the latest cmdlets released, visit: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/exchange-online-powershell-v2-module-preview-now-more-secure/ba-p/2922946
To download the latest version of the module, visit https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/ExchangeOnlineManagement/2.0.6-Preview5
DisplayName WindowsEmailAddress
----------- -------------------
FirstName LastName user@company.com
Create output directory name ./data
and create PowerShell script (*.ps1
) then let's try script below.
List chat ID
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Teams
$RequiredScopes = @("Chat.ReadBasic", "Chat.ReadWrite")
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes $RequiredScopes
get-mgchat | foreach-object {
write-host $_.Id
# $_
#and now close/disconnect
Get chat topic
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Teams
$RequiredScopes = @("Chat.ReadBasic", "Chat.ReadWrite")
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes $RequiredScopes
# get-mgchat
# get-mgchat -ChatId 19:meeting_ZWMyYWU...LTliZWMtN2RhNDE2OTlmNGQ2@thread.v2
$mychats = get-mgchat -all -PageSize 50
$all_chat_info = @() #force-setting to an array
$all_chat_info = foreach ($chat in $mychats) {
$all_chat_info | format-table
#and now close/disconnect
Export chat
All contents will be exported to ./data
into .csv
file format. For the file name, I used topic name to be file name :
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Teams
$RequiredScopes = @("Chat.ReadBasic", "Chat.ReadWrite")
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes $RequiredScopes
If (Test-Path -Path "./data") { Get-ChildItem "./data" -Include * -Recurse | ForEach { $_.Delete()} }
Else { New-Item -Path "./" -Name "data" -ItemType "directory" }
$tzone = Get-TimeZone
$mychats = get-mgchat -all -PageSize 50
$all_chat_info = @() #force-setting to an array
$all_chat_info = foreach ($chat in $mychats) {
#set some details about the chat itself for the later query
$chatname = $chat.Topic
$members = $chat.Members
$chattype = $chat.chattype
If($chatname.Length -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Processing on topic '$chatname'..."
$recentchatmessages = get-mgchatmessage -ChatId $chat.id -top 999 -pagesize 50
$fileName = $chatname -Replace "[^A-Za-z0-9_]", ""
Add-Content "./data/$($fileName).csv" ""
If($chatname.Length -gt 0) {
Add-Content "./data/topic-mapping.txt" "$chatname => $fileName.csv"
$log = $recentchatmessages | select `
@{Label='LastModified';Expression={($_.LastModifiedDateTime.tolocaltime())}}, `
@{Label='ChatName';Expression={($chatname)}}, @{Label='members';Expression={($members)}}, @{Label='ChatType';Expression={($chattype)}}, `
@{Label='From';Expression={($_.from.user.displayname)}}, @{Label='Body';Expression={ ($_.Body.content -split '\n')[0] -replace '<[^>]+>',''}}
$log `
# | Select-Object -Property Name, Title, Department `
| Export-Csv -path "./data/$($fileName).csv" -NoTypeInformation
# $all_chat_info | format-table
$all_chat_info `
| Export-Csv -path "./data/merged.csv" -NoTypeInformation
#and now close/disconnect
Write-Host "Finished"